Every once in a while Mother Nature smiles on us. In our case it’s the laws of thermo-dynamics that say heat can be used over and over again and that it cannot be destroyed. Also, that heat can be used to create other forms of energy.
Those principles are behind the name “co-generation”. Co-generation means creating more than one form of energy from a single source, ie. heat and electricity, or heating and cooling, or tri-generation, heating, cooling, and electricity simultaneously from a single source.
One way to generate power is to convert heat to electricity. The result is electricity, but because of other laws of physics, only a portion of the heat is used, meaning there is always heat left over.
Thermal Watt furnaces use the leftover heat from the generation process to warm the home, which is what we wanted to do in the first place. With today’s technology we generate electricity and heat the home with about the same amount of fuel that a regular furnace uses to just heat the house. Thermal Watt furnaces heat the house and supply free or very inexpensive electricity at the same time.
What about in the summer time?
Once again, the laws of thermo-dynamics are on our side. In this case the left over heat drives an endothermic chemical process called ABSORPTION CHILLING which is used to air-condition the home.
This means that instead of using electricity to cool the house, the Thermal Watt unit is actually generating electricity while air-conditioning your home. In many areas utility companies pay for electricity in the summer peak usage times to help alleviate shortages. Often, the utilities are mandated by law to buy it and at a good rate, or to “store it” for you for later use. In most cases the above described co-generation technology will wipe out a household electric bill completely or at least reduce it to a small fraction of what it was.